Future of Programming: Enhancing Agile Development with Automated Pseudocode

7 Jul 2024


(1) Gaurav Kolhatkar, SCTR’s Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune, India (gauravk403@gmail.com);

(2) Akshit Madan, SCTR’s Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune, India (akmadan17@gmail.com);

(3) Nidhi Kowtal, SCTR’s Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune, India (kowtalnidhi@gmail.com);

(4) Satyajit Roy, SCTR’s Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune, India (satyajit12.roy@gmail.com).

Abstract and Introduction

Literature Survey


Performance Analysis

Conclusion and References


This paper examines the enormous potential for programming work automation offered by natural language processing. We propose a two-stage methodology to convert English language user stories into pseudocode. The advantage of pseudocode is that it allows easy conversion into any programming language of the developer’s choice. The two stages of this approach are text to code conversion and code to pseudocode conversion. Each of these stages is treated as a language translation task. We use the CodeT5 model for this task, getting a BLEU score of 0.4 for Stage 1 and 0.74 for Stage 2. Our proposed system simplifies the software development process in organizations.

In the future, we plan to curate a larger dataset for English text to Python code conversion. We can obtain higher accuracy and better generalisation to new examples with a larger and more varied dataset. This would necessitate considerable data gathering, but it might open the door to more efficient and useful text to code conversion methods. Additionally, a pertinent text to pseudocode dataset might be produced to help simplify the conversion architecture.


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This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.